i was recently inspired by my cousin
Carolyn to start a "101 Things to do in 1001 Days" series on my blog. the basic idea is to simply build a list of 101 things you want to do, then track your progress over then next 1001 days.
over the last few weeks i've taken the time to compile, and think about, and re-compile, my list of 101 things -- some that are completely feasible (see #14), some that seem completely out of reach (see #11 and #46), and some that terrify me to no end (see #93) but with the accountability of my blog readers and the help of some friends (namely
Ryan) i'm hoping to be able to accomplish a good amount of these items! wish me luck, cheer me on, and feel free to help out wherever possible!
101 Things to do in 1001 Days
start date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010
end date: Wednesday, June 19, 2013
# completed: 20
# in progress: 27
not started
in progress
accomplished (with the date)
read the Bible in one year using The One Year Bible daily readings and journal a few sentences about what I've learned or read each day (5/365)
memorize one passage of Scripture every month (2/33)
Psalm 1:1-6—October 2010
Revelation 17:14—November 2010
complete a free-write once a week (2/143)
post at least twice weekly on my blog
read (or listen to) all of the books in Amazon's Best Books of 2010 list (6/20 completed, 3 in progress)
6. go geocaching
7. visit New York City
8. see the ball drop on New Year's Eve in Times Square
9. go camping in
Oregon & Washington &mdash July 2012
10. take the ferry from Bainbridge Island to Seattle
11. go back to (or make a feasible plan to visit) Romania
watch all of the movies I own (11/107)
bike 50 miles (current best: 30 miles)
switch internet and cable providers December 1, 2010
15. buy a house
"spring clean" at least once every year to clean out a) old/unworn clothes b) unneeded paperwork c) movies/books that we aren't watching/reading anymore
read through (or get rid of) all of the magazines in the boxes behind the couch
18. create (and maintain) an
etsy shop
19. review the craft books that are piling up and then host a giveaway on my blog
go to Ruth Chris Steakhouse May 11, 2012
find an occasion to which i can wear my blue banquet dress April 21, 2012
find a spiritual mentor October 2010 — I'm now meeting with a wonderful, Godly woman from my church, and God is using her greatly in my life!
23. get my
A1C below 7.0 for at least two tests in a row (currently 8.2 — update: on 11/17 AIC was 8.7)
drive a Mustang GT convertible April 21
learn how to drive a stick shift — I successfully drove a stick shift in a parking lot without stalling... now to drive on the open road (July 2011) update: successfully drove a second time in a parking lot and shifted gears multiple times... still have yet to drive on an open road (July 2012)
go on a camping trip with Mom & Dad (July 2012)
read (or listen to) the full list of fiction books that have made #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List since its inception on August 9, 1942 (53/560) see my progress
watch every movie on the AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies (10th Anniversary Edition) (13/100)
cook a new recipe out of one of my cookbooks once a month (2/33)
finish my HTML/Web Design courses with the O'Reilly School of Technology
create a workable budget and stick by it
32. sell my crafts at the
Wednesday Night Market
33. hike
Mt. Tam just after a rain to see the springs & waterfalls
34. go on a backpacking trip
get up to 100 weekly visits on my blog (currently: 30)
sort through my old school papers and get rid of what i won't use/don't need
37. look into the possibility of a master's program
38. take a class at the JC on alterations and sewing/designing clothes
39. release a message in a bottle
40. take a ride in a hot air balloon
41. plant a garden
42. redesign my blog from scratch
43. learn Spanish (again) so that I can hold my own in a conversation
44. bike to work and back every day for two weeks (0/14)
lose 25 pounds and keep it off for 6 months
46. run a 10K
47. finish the 5 cross-stitch projects i have in progress (the Chinese fan for Dan & Sarah, four seasons quilt for Mom & Dad, bird ornaments, Christmas tree skirt, & summer collage)
scrapbook our wedding & honeymoon pictures
49. watch a meteor shower August 8, 2012 - beginnings of the Perseid meteor shower @the beach
50. don't subscribe to any more magazines until i read the ones that i already receive
don't buy any new books until i've finished the stack of un-read books in my room — I'm currently getting 3 magazines, but won't be renewing any of them
52. finish every project in the crafting calendar
i bought last year and resolved to work through (which obviously didn't happen :)) and blog about it (0/155)
53. using the craft books i already have (see #51), make a new project each month and blog about it (
also started in 2009 and failed miserably) (0/33)
53. write, include a personal note, address, and send Christmas cards before Christmas
figure out a way to organize my fabric (and do it)
55. drink only water for one month (0/31)
56. go to a music festival
57. wake up early & work out every morning for a week (0/7)
58. no fast food for 3 months (includes "healthy" fast foods like subway, quiznos, etc.)
59. bring bag lunch to work for a month (0/31)
60. try 10 new (to me) restaurants (6/10)
61. write a will
62. go one week without any food that contains sugar (other than natural sugar in fruits) (0/7)
63. go through my magazines & take out any pictures and/or articles for my crafting/design binders and then get rid of the rest
64. purchase a fondue/raclette set
visit two states I haven't been to (1/2)
66. submit a story to a magazine
pay for someone's coffee/meal behind me at a drive-through window December 1, 2010 — I participated in
Pay it Forward Day and bought the person's coffee in the car behind me at Starbucks
buy something on etsy December 3, 2010
69. listen to every song on my iPod (515/7686 — and growing)
get involved in a book club — was involved with one for some time, but it disbanded a few months later.
put $5 from every paycheck in a separate bank account during this challenge and then use that toward something special for Ryan & I (trip, something for the house, special night out, etc.) (currently saved: $75)
72. go to Ikea for the first time
73. only use my canvas bags every time i go shopping for a month (0/31)
get 500 followers on Twitter (currently: 320)
look for (and pray for) opportunities to share my faith
76. climb Half Dome
77. learn to bake bread with
the cookbook that i've had for almost 2 years now
have a game night with friends/family every other month (2/16)
79. attend a crafting/sewing weekend
sort through our books and buy bookshelves that actually fit the books we have, or get rid of some of our books so they fit on the bookshelves we already have
buy one piece of fine art July 22, 2012
avoid parking at the closest parking spot at work and stores for 6 months (0/180)
83. go camping at least once a year (1/3)
84. go fishing
85. maintain a datebook & send birthday & anniversary cards to family & close friends
86. stay at a B&B
purchase wine glasses May 11, 2012
work out at least 3x a week (excluding vacations & holidays) (5/143)
89. go horseback riding (not on a trail ride)
90. go to a rodeo
take 1 picture a day (432/1,001) — see my photos
92. learn to play the guitar (again)
93. learn to ski or snowboard
donate blood at least two times a year (1/6) — to be fair... i've tried. they won't take my blood because of my iron levels. *sigh*
95. go apple picking at a local farm
go on a road trip April 19-22, 2012
97. hike a portion of the Pacific Coast Trail
write 5 letters (a real, handwritten, old-fashioned, paper, envelope, and stamps, letter) to a friend or family member (Christmas cards don't count) (1/5)
document each of these 101 moments with pictures and blogposts (multiple accomplishments can be blogged in a single post) (1/1,001)
inspire at least one other person to start a 101 in 1001 list — my amazing friend Stephanie Rudd started her own 101 list!
101. on day 1001, publish a new 101 Things to do in 1001 Days list
so, what do you think?
am i crazy? don't answer that... ;)
is it possible? anything's possible if you put your mind to it, right?
will i go insane trying to finish it all? probably, but what's life without a challenge?
call me crazy, cheer me on, or join me with your own list, but whatever you do, come back soon to see how i'm doing on my list...